
Sunday Service 10:30


After-service fellowship

Sunday School, Teen Meetings

We extend a warm welcome to everyone who enters through our doors. Our dedicated staff and volunteers are eager to engage in conversations and address any inquiries you may have. Arriving at least 15 minutes ahead of time is advisable to secure a seat for your convenience.

During the morning Service we offer Children Ministry.  Our programs are tailored to various age groups. Sunday School is available for children aged 4-12 during the morning service, with separate classes for children aged 4 to 7 and pre-teens aged 8 to 12. Additionally, teenagers aged 13-18 gather for a bi-weekly Bible study at the church premises. 

Communion: A Communion is a sacred time of fellowship with God, where believers remember Jesus’ sacrifice on the cross. The Communion takes place every 1st Sunday of each month during the morning service in the form of bread and wine (we use grape juice). You are encouraged to partake if you wish, and membership is not a requirement. Parents can choose whether or not their children should participate, and all children are welcome if their parents decide to allow it. The Scriptures encourage us to reflect inwardly when taking part in the Lord's Supper, just as Paul instructed the Corinthians: "Let each person examine themselves, and then they may partake of the bread and drink from the cup" 1 Corinthians 11:28. Seizing this moment is vital to affirm the genuineness and sincerity of our connection with Christ. 
