
Elder: Wayne Krull and his wife Louise Krull

We are originally from Cape Town, South Africa. We had been looking for somewhere in Europe to set up our businesses and in 2018 God lead us to Porto. Before we even moved to Porto we had made contact with Riverside and just knew that's where God wanted us to be. When we finally arrived in 2019 we became very aware that God had brought us here as part of His plan and purpose for our lives and the city of Porto.

Relationship with Jesus Christ: We have both been Christians since childhood, but each had to come to a place of fully accepting and believing in Christ as adults responsible for our own set of beliefs. Each of us faced devastating divorces early on in life, leaving us feeling unworthy, confused, and lost. Through many hardships and tough lessons we each separately learnt how to put God FIRST in our lives, regardless of our marital position or circumstances, to find fulfillment in God alone. It was only after we had each reached that point of putting God first that God introduced us to each other, and we were married in 2010. We have come to realize that NOTHING can separate us from God's love for us, even our own failings, that He is a gracious God, who loves us unconditionally, and when we put him first in our lives, everything else falls into place. Our desire is to see people find a real love for God, and live victorious lives despite imperfect circumstances.

Favorite scriptures: We have two scriptures which guide our lives and govern everything we do:

"Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and don't lean on your own understanding. In all your ways submit to Him, and He will make your paths straight." Proverbs 3:5-6

"Seek first the kingdom of God, above all else, and strive to live righteously, then all these other things will also be given to you." Matthew 6:33
